
Browse the ever-expanding library of pieces from the Newsletter and the old archives.

The Full of Life Newsletter

Hiking Escapades, Philosophy, And Death Work All In One? You're In The Right Place.

In my newsletter, I write musings about mental health, living, and dying intertwined with a wandering search for meaning. Many of these pieces are fueled from my work as a death doula, and offer insights on how death and dying are also about life and living.

Here, I address the questions that most twenty-somethings (most humans) eventually encounter: is this all there is? Does anything actually matter? How can I live better?

Thanks for coming along on this wild ride.

The Book

In the summer of 2022, life as I knew it collapsed. In the aftermath, I embarked alone on a 900 mile hike of the Appalachian Trail.

This book weaves together my long walk in the woods with how I discovered death work and how, ultimately, both experiences brought me back to life. It’s the story of a once depressed, suicidal girl becoming a woman who learned how to love being alive.

With my unique perspective as a death doula and aspiring hospice chaplain, I integrate studies of death, dying, and the great outdoors as a way to lean hard into the present moment.

The result? A book that is a living, breathing invitation to a truer life, one where you can chase your ambitions while simultaneously holding profound presence and gratitude for where you are.

Join me as I write about the many mishaps and lessons the Trail taught me, including perhaps the greatest takeaway: how to be where you are while you’re becoming what’s next.

Autumn is for Musing, Part II: On Being and Becoming.

Hello beautiful people! I’m excited to write more pieces like this…especially since their themes hint at the overall topics of my book (AAAAAAH!) A subscription to my newsletter means the world to me! While this is a labor of love and (what I hope is) my life’s work, I’m trying to grow

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The Roadtrip

Here’s an older piece that is not an accurate reflection of where I am now, but it is true to who I was then. It speaks of the joys of soul-friends and the heart-crushing pain of losing them to this thing called “growing up” and how the fuck are we

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On Highs and Lows: An Excerpt

Pictured above: my actual view from Mt. Washington after a storm ripped through… Here’s an excerpt from my book and work-in-progress. Part Trail-journal, part philosophical inquiry, and part life-guide, this book is my lil’ baby and I can’t wait to show you guys snippets of it along the way. —

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Autumn is for Musing, Part I

This is another short piece, originally written in October 2020. It’s a rambling, questioning search amid the infamous 2020, wondering how it’s possible to grow up and thrive at any time, let alone amid such chaos… — The cooling breeze carries memories of a different fall, a different time, an

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Excerpt from a Short Story

The following is an excerpt from a short story I wrote after my three months on the Appalachian Trail. The full story was written for a friend as a gift, and as such, will not be published here in its entirety. I have lifted a few sections that get close

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Not So Morbid After All: How Death Calls Us to Embrace Life

“But death is so depressing!” If you study death and dying, I’ll bet you’ve had your share of interactions that go something like this: Them: “You do…what? Death work?” You: “That’s right!” Them: “But you’re young and healthy! You don’t have to worry about this stuff yet. Death is so

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